There are some great Tumblr blogs covering graphic design,
photography, illustration, typography or 3D. We've picked the best...
Design curation
Our first lot of Tumblr blogs all seek to surface and curate the best
and most inspiring design work on the planet, across discplines. Check
them out, and then read on to discover the best Tumblr blogs for the
specific disciplines of graphic design, illustration, typography, web
design and photography...
This blog was created to showcase talented designers all over the worldDesign Clever is a collaboration by Jonathan Ring and Bethany Baker -
two aspiring Graphic Designers with a passion for everything design
related. So, they created this brilliant Tumblr blog to collate anything
and everything that inspires them. "This blog was created to showcase
talented designers all over the world and their amazing talents," they
An elegant output for the Adult Art Club tumblr blogA creative practice working in the grey area of design, art direction
and illustration, Adult Art Club is run by Jonny Costello. The Tumblr
is packed full of inspirational imagery including beautiful photography
and graphic design. Head here for class and elegance.
Get inspiration from a time before computers took overDesign is Fine is the Tumblr blog of German lecturer Rea Riegel,
"Imagine a time with no computers. But with lots of craftsmanship and
universal creativity. I am a copy writer and lecturer for design history
from Germany. This is my personal library. Anybody else, get inspired
and enjoy."
Design really is everywhere with this gorgeous tumblr blogDesign
Everywhere is a daily dose of visual inspirations found by Preston Tham
and Michelle Yong. Unless otherwise stated, everything you see or read
on the DesignEverywhere blog is the property of respective owners. We
adore their selections, which make for that perfact impact of
Stare at your dream home and find some inspiration in the meantimeSurprisingly, you can find tonnes of inspiration in interior design
no matter which design method you currently practise. There's hundreds
of influences and styles, which can only help to improve your own work.
What's more, you can stare at your dream home for hours.
Here, you'll find inspiration from everything including gifs, photography and more19-year-old digital artist and graphic designer Sebastian Andaur
loves colours. Based in Chile, he works as a freelancer creating
graphics, visuals, and new projects. Here, you'll find an array of
inspiration from gifs to photography to striking 3D creations.
Curioos showcase work from up and coming designersCurioos bring you a selection of the very best digital artworks by up
and coming illustrators and designers from across the world. There's
plenty of inspiration to be had here, as the guys don't stick to one
discipline. Whatever illustration or graphic design style you like,
you'll no doubt find a few examples here.
Baubau Haus is one of the best curated-based blogs out thereBaubauhaus is here to feed your daily need of design, illustration,
photography, fashion and of all else art-related. Inspiring for almost
every creative out there, this is one of the best curation-based tumblr
blogs out there.
ReformRevolution provide examples from almost every fieldProviding stunning design inspiration in almost every single field,
you can't go wrong with ReformRevolution. Including photography, graphic
design, illustration and portfolio updates from some of the best
designers, this is a tumblr blog to fall in love with.
We'll be scrolling Charlotte's Tumblr for hours thanks to her colour pop findsIf you love colour, Charlotte
is your go-to girl for popping inspiration. A freelance designer and
illustrator based in Birmingham, she works for the likes of Lonely
Planet, Poke London and Orange. As soon as we clicked on Charlotte's
Tumblr, we were instantly transported to summer thanks to her knack for
finding the brightest of inspirations.
Design industry advice and inspiration, Well Made Studio have a well put-together TumblrWell Made Studio
is a team of designers working for lifestyle, arts and publishing
clients. Specialising in brand identities, print campaigns and websites,
their Tumblr blog is not only full of inspiration but important
opinions about the design industry itself. Head here if you're looking
for career advice as well as some lovely imagery.
As a collage illustrator, Martin finds his inspiration in almost any form of creativityMartin Parris is a
mixed media collage illustrator. Working with layered textures and mark
making by using books, newspapers, magazines and discarded papers, he
finds inspiration in almost anything. He's set up this Tumblr to share
his finds with you too.
Visual Sundae celebrates all types of art and designVisual Sundae is a beautiful, image-led blog that celebrates all
types of art and design, from typography to illustration, posters to
sculptures. A nicely organised source of inspiration, and if you're not
looking for anything specific, you can always try the 'Random' button.
The Made Shop collates great design from across the globeThe Made Shop is a brilliant Tumblr blog from a brilliant team of
designers, bringing you the best innovative work from across the globe,
whether that be in photography, branding, illustration or film art
direction. We love the way the navigation divides nicely between 'Things
we made' and 'Things we found'.
Wallpaper* - great print publication, great Tumblr blogThe high-end architecture, design, fashion, art and lifestyle
magazine Wallpaper* has extended itself onto the Tumblr platform,
bringing together the best images from
The site is as pleasingly professional as the print magazine, and if
you want to know more, clicking on each image takes you through the
relevant post on Wallpaper*'s main website.
The blog aims to offer the best of the design world of TumblrLooking for big, beautiful images of the latest cool design work?
This regularly updated Tumblr blog extracts the best of designs on the
platform and is open to submissions. A great place to see the work of
others as well as network with designers worldwide
Design Cloud showcases new work from a wide range of design fieldsDesign Cloud is a carefully selective and informed blog that features
images of new work covering a wide range of design fields, from graphic
design to architecture. This Tumblr blog is beautifully laid out and
easy to navigate.
Wrap magazine's Tumblr blog features the best images from the print publicationWrap magazine is a UK print magazine celebrating the very best in
illustration, design and creative culture. Its Tumblr blog showcases its
best work as well as work that inspires them. Both are sure to inspire
creatives from all backgrounds.
Dynamic Africa offers vibrant and colourful celebration of the
continent and its visual culture. Functioning as a diverse platform for
all things African and/or African-related, this Tumblr blog puts a
positive spin on a part of the world often portrayed in a negative
Tumblr blog Design:Related Gallery is run by the guys behind
community website Design:Related. Started in 2006, the website itself
brings together creative people to share their work with others and the
blog features projects from those in that community. If you like looking and cool and quirky designs from all creative
fields then you should definitely follow this site. In addition to this,
these guys also run another cool blog called Redesign:Related, which is about, yes, you guessed it, redesign.
Tumblr I Heart My Art is a seriously cool collection of contemporary
art, videos, vintage photography and much more. Run by Canadian artist
and graphic designer Blair Prentice, he describes it as a 'repository
for art, music and other items of interest.'Check this site out if you're looking for something a little
different. Currently, the first few pages are full of extremely
inspiring, weird, and sometimes terrifying, pieces of work.
Run by user experience designer Szymon Błaszczyk, Tumblr blog Inspire
me now was started in 2007. Describing it as a blog for 'unconventional
thinking and design', Błaszczyk regularly updates his site with the
out-of-the-ordinary.From cool and unusual product design to extraordinary illustrations,
visiting this site that will certainly get you thinking
Laughing Squid is 'an online resource for interesting art, culture
and technology'. And, after winning the People's Voice Award for Best
Cultural Blog last year, it's clearly doing a good job at finding
interesting and engaging content. Outside of the main site, the team also run a Tumblr called Laughing
Squid Links, which collects together cool posts from Laughing Squid and
around the web. Make sure you follow for the all the latest news in the
creative world as well as a great injection of humour.
Visva is a stunning inspirational Tumblr that features the likes of
photography, fashion, print design and branding. If you ever find
yourself at a creative standstill, this is definitely a blog you should
be bookmarking. The range of styles chosen is wonderfully diverse,
whilst still fitting under the umbrella of design inspiration.We especially love the idea of including fashion photography and
fashion design within the blog. The featured shots are simply
breathtaking and will provide that much needed boost to your creative
idea pool. A definite bookmark!
Quirksville is the collaborative Tumblr blog of London's visually creative graphic design and illustration duo Naomi Ray and Justina Bailey. The blog is an instant feast for the eyes, as it features art, design, technology, fashion, music and adverts.What's great about Quirksville are its little quirks (sorry)
including the tabs QV work and QV loves. They also feature a paragraph
or two with every post, so you know exactly what you're looking at; with
handy links too! The designers are also part of the Vice blogging network which means big things for all you hipsters out there!
Don't we all love nice things? They're rather nice, aren't they? Have
a look at all things nice on Nice Things We Like - a Tumblr designed
for nice creatives.The blog is a perfect outlet when it comes to providing daily
inspiration - featuring font, graphic design and illustration. We dare
you to take a look at it without uttering that inevitable four letter
nvsblty is the Tumblr blog of designer Ross Berens,
which features a range of inspirational examples of typography, print
design, photography and graphic design. Ross definitely shares the
Tumblr love, as most of his pictures are sourced from fellow bloggers -
as well as some of his own finds of course!The attention to detail and the little touches are what makes nvsblty
a Tumblr blog that stands out. For instance, there are links to Ross's
svpply and playlist. A
perfect way to integrate all your passions in one place, allowing the
user to really understand Ross's inspirations.
Michalva is the Tumblr blog from recent graduate of the School of Visual Arts Michelle Alvarez. Based in New York, Michelle is an avid graphic designer and motion graphic artist.The Tumblr blog is designed to trawl the internet for design
inspiration, so you don't have to. There's video content, print designs,
packaging, books and basically anything that looks nice!
The design blog prides itself on being different from most
inspirational Tumblr blogs. They care about young designers and the work
they're creating. Here, your work can be seen and recognised (a little
bit like Dribbble) along with a range of inspirational ramblings.Moreover, every Sunday they pick a 'designer of the week' - with
their work featured on the blog, Facebook and Twitter. A great site for
any budding creative.
The intro to this Tumblr blog state that: "Pop! Tech is a network of remarkable people, extraordinary conferences, powerful ideas, and innovative projects that are changing the world". Well, we couldn't ignore that, could we?There's an array of inspiration that you may not instantly class as
design related but once you get stuck in, you can reap the design
benefits. You can check out their Twitter for more Pop! Tech goodness.
Ranked as one of the 100 best blogs on the internet and a regular
attendee in blog roundups (including this one) This Isn't Happiness is a
collection of art, photography, design and disappointment.The curated content is some of the best on the internet and really
separates the site from other Tumblr blogs. Every one loves it and so
should you. It may be happiness after all.
Juxtaposed is the Tumblr blog of 18-year-old Daniel,
who describes himself as "someone so average that it's interesting".
Whenever Daniel finds anything cool, he posts it on the blog for
everyone to see.There's paper craft, typography, sculptures, spiders, dogs, wooden
lightbulbs... well, you get the idea. It's a fantastic blog for anyone
that likes looking at nice things, which is almost anyone right?
A design blog aimed at sparking discussion about the design industryThis is a blog dedicated to exhibiting design work by women in the
graphic design field. It is meant to be a source for learning and
sharing, and ultimately, a platform to spark discussion. Its aim is to
evolve into a project bigger than a degree project — a project that can
reach and involve an entire design community, made up of many voices.
Poking fun at those 'cutting edge' logosHow to design a logo? Set the name in a retail typeface , cut off
some corners in Illustrator 3 and cash a big check. This tumblr blog
entitled 'Cutting Edge Logos' pokes fun at some of the world's biggest
logos that have simple, 'cut the edges'.
Ethan Daniel Kociela collates beautiful examples of graphic designEthan Daniel Kociela is a freelance graphic designer and web designer
from Montague, Massachusetts. When he's not creating new works for a
load of new clients, he collates beautiful examples of graphic design in
this brilliant tumblr blog.
Combine your love of graphic design and tattoos with this clever tumblr blogCurated by designer Marc Ostlund,
Graphic Design & Tattoos showcases the crossover between the two
creative disciplines. If you just want to look at the tattoos or the
graphic design images, Ostlund has provided some handy tabs at the top
of the page.
Gura Fiku documents Japanese graphic design over timeHere's something a bit different. Curated by designer Ryan Hageman,
Gura Fiku - which is how Japanese people pronounce the word 'graphic' -
documents Japanese graphic design over time, and catalogues the
differences, and crossovers, between eastern and western approaches to
graphic design. Inspiring and enlightening.
This Tumblr's tag line is 'Everything you need to know about the life
of a graphic designer.' The site is dedicated to students and amateur
designers, posting up inspirational imagery and projects to inspire
those with a little creative block.The blog also links to a site filled with great tutorials and further
inspiration for all your creative needs. It is in Spanish, however, so
you may need to do a bit of translating first.
Graphic Porn is a feast for the eyes as soon as you click. The
designs featured on the blog mainly stem from print copy, ranging from
vintage tendencies to those with futuristic scope.Sifting through the posts, it's comforting to see the range in which
graphic design can breathe life into a somewhat 'dying medium'. They say
print is dead? It's alive and kicking on Graphic Porn.
With a tag line of "Every reform movement has a lunatic fringe", this
Tumblr blog is certainly one of the most intriguing we've ever come
across. Featuring beautiful photography of graphic design, fashion and
people, it's well worth checking out.We especially love the links tab, which directs you to a random
design Tumblr blog for more creative inspiration. It's great to see
Reform sharing the design love!
Slapdashing is a blog dedicated to graphic design inspiration. As
well as posting up lots of pretty pictures and awesome layouts, it
sub-categorises its features to make the blog as user-friendly as
possible. Tabs include typography, branding, UI and packaging, which
means there's plenty of inspiration to be had. Charmingly, the blog
finishes off with an 'aimless crap' tab - a more light-hearted approach
to inspiring creatives. Check out the kid who turns into a car!
Design Dust is a Tumblr blog bringing together great examples of
photography, graphic design, fashion, architecture and other creative
matter. A great place to visit for a quick burst of design inspiration.
Jeff Rubio is 22-year-old New York artist and designer currently studying at Pratt Institute. The blog is very professional-looking, with its artistic appearance and sleek layout.Jeff regularly posts inspirational projects and designs that have
recently caught his eye, showcasing his eager approach to learning about
the world of design. His contribution is on a regular basis, which
makes all the difference when it comes to a great blog.
Number 20 in our best Tumblr blogs for designers is We and the Color,
a creative outlet for showcasing the very best in graphic design,
illustration and art inspiration. The Tumblr proves that you can find
creative ideas in just about anything as they post about architecture,
fashion and photography.The layout of the site is easy to use, with external links and useful
websites for a creative in any field. They're on the up on Twitter too,
nearing 5,000 followers in only a short amount of time. Get involved
whilst they're still fresh!
See what you can do with the endless array of typography out thereTypography is everywhere and like most creatives, we love to see it
in all its glory. Typostrate is a blog about type and the endless array
of things you can do with it. Showcasing the passion and power of typography, the blogs content and pictures are taken care of by Christian Goldemann.
Typography Feed's design allows the featured work to singTypography Feed is an image-led Tumblr gallery that serves up a
beautiful examples of typography from around the web. The blog benefits
from a clean design, a helpful tagging system, and above all a great
selection of work.
Beautiful Type was started in 2010 by two web designers, Francis
Chouqet and Aurélien Foutoyet, who share the same passion for
typography.This gorgeous Tumblr blog does exactly what it says on the tin and
showcases incredible typography illustrations and inspiring videos from
around the web. It also has a page dedicated to awesome design and type
related books.
F**k Yeah Typography is a celebration of all this type, collated by a
type-lover. If you've never really 'got' typography, then this is the
blog to change your mind. The blog features appreciation of new and
unique fonts, whilst also showcasing 'how-it-was-made' videos. There's
also some cheeky banter thrown in for good measure - including a dig at
Helvetica. Each to their own!
This stunning Tumblr blog states its content as "graphic finds" but
it's so much more than that. Collecting endless typography inspiration
from vintage packaging, recent branding and print design means that
whatever typography task you're faced with, TypeToy is the place to go.We love the layout of the blog, as it's an instant feast for the
eyes. The moment you visit, you're faced with tons of type variations,
styles and trends. Whether you're starting out in typography or you're a
seasoned pro, TypeToy is the perfect Tumblr blog for you.
Lacking in typography inspiration? You only need to take one look at
the accumulation of all things type on Typophile to get your quick fix.Featuring designs on print, on buildings and on just about anything,
you can see for yourself just how much typography can go. There's also
at least one post a day, so if you don't like what you see (which is
unlikely) keep checking back.
Oh, how others can get it so wrong with fonts. Here, the
Font Police get it right with a dig at those cringe-worthy offenders
that make even the most laid-back scream at the screen in astonishment.Most typographers would never dream of committing such horrific
crimes but do yourself a favour and check this out before you get
designing. This is one blog you wouldn't want to be featured on!
As you can probably tell, this blog is pretty self-explanatory.
Created by Costa Rican Ricardo, Good Typography concentrates on well, good
typography. It's a neat little accumulation of type from around the web
that's a perfect solution to any inspirational woes. Sometimes, he'll
even comment on why he likes them - only if you're lucky, though.
Former head of design at MSN EMEA and now the director of digital creative agency Thin Martian, you could say that James Clarke has a fair few strings to his bow.As Tumblr blogs go, this is a cracker, and Type Worship showcases
James' love of all things typography (and he picks some really good
ones) as well as reviews and interviews with typography designers. A
perfect example of how typography should be done.
Luke Connolly likes New York and what better way is there to express
that love than by photographing its best typography? Whilst walking
around the city, Luke takes out his Nikon D700 and clicks away at any
lettering that takes his fancy.He features all five boroughs of New York, which means that the blog
features a colourful expansion of every kind of typography you could
ever wish for. Ok, maybe not every kind but the whole of New York is a pretty good start!
Working as a designer, it's inevitable that you're going to run into
some difficult clients. If you reach the point of wanting to tear your
hair out, take a look at the first site in our best Tumblr blogs list:
Clients From Hell. Set up by a collective of designers, this Tumblr
showcases some of the best client horror stories.Ranging from the unpaid to the plain unbelievable, Clients From Hell will have you laughing in astonishment. Our favourite?
If you've ever wondered where the world of design is heading, take a
look at More Than This. Brought to you by the collective Everyday
Institute, the blog strives to document and comment on the ever-changing
role of design as it's happening.Whether the shifts are happening in education, in professional
practice or on the front line, the team at More Than This will be on
hand to let you know. Sure, most of the content is question-oriented but
who has all the answers? One of the best Tumblr blogs for any budding or professional creative.
Starting out as a newbie on the design circuit can be a daunting
endeavour. If you find yourself struggling to gain the momentum needed
for the day, take a look at Startup Quote. The blog collects numerous
inspirational quotes from a range of top dogs in the creative realm.
With over 19,000 followers on Twitter, it's clear to see that designers
from across the globe appreciate an inspirational quote or two. Start
off the day with Startup Quote and you'll be ready and raring to go.
Look out, world!
Field Study is a Tumblr blog created by NYC based product/UX/UI
designer and illustrator Keenan Cummings. Often posting about works in
progress, it's a great insight into the life of a working designer.As it's also completely unedited and personal, Field Study is truer
to life than most. If you're looking for a range of inspiration,
interviews and openly honest commentary, then Field Study is the place
for you.
The clue's in the title of this tumblr blogThe clue is in the title with this tumblr blog for designers. Still
very much in its early days, the blog offers tips and advice about
making it in the gaming industry with a whole host of adorable
illustrations. Before you even approach a game design, head here!
The buttons are taken from almost every type of websiteCurated by Jason Long, House of Buttons is a collection of great UI
buttons spotted in the wild. Taking examples from almost every type of
website, this tumblr blog is a great source of design inspiration if
you're looking to create your own button style.
Inspired Mark is the Tumblr home of web architect Mark Collins. The
site plays host to a range of Dribbbles, illustrations and campaigns
that Mark himself finds inspirational.Featuring a range of tabs including brand identity, icongraphy,
interface and typography, Inspired Mark has everything you'll ever need
to see what works. You can also visit Mark's personal website at
9-Bits is brought to you by designer and web developer David Kaneda. Having previously worked as the creative director at Sencha and inventing jQTouch, David is a man well worth listening to.The Tumblr is full of inspirational videos and commentary as well as
David's own experiences. Here, you can see what works, what doesn't and
what you can try out yourself.
Created by front-end developer David DeSandro,
Drop Shadows focuses on the ins and outs development programmes while
giving short tutorials on the likes of CSS and JavaScript. It's one of
the best Tumblr blogs for web designers.Most recently David has featured the Chrome Developer Tools settings -
giving useful insights and tips about some hidden gems that may just
help you out. Also featured are GIT submodules, jQuery and WebKit.
Little Big Details does just what it says on the tin, showing us the
importance of the little details. Focusing on user interface
inspiration, the site showcases all the components that make up some of
your favourite programmes.Each post may contain details you already know about but most of the
time, you'll be pleasantly surprised at the little big details of
popular gadgets and creative programming. The blog also contains a job
listings tab, which is a perfect outlet for aspiring developers.
Inspire My Web is a Tumblr packed full of fantastic HTML5 and design
inspiration. If that isn't enough to get you clicking, the site also
contains easy to follow web design tutorials focusing on CSS3, HTML5 and
jQuery.Moreover, Inspire My Web also covers responsive development, which is
an important aspect for any web developer. Perfect for web inspiration,
tips and tutorials.
Steph Sassine is an interactive designer, combining both digital and
graphic development. Acting as a sort of online portfolio, you can
browse through Steph's interactive art, web design, graphic design,
shorts and fine art.The charming thing about this Tumblr is the way that it's presented.
The Polaroids are neatly laid out once you hover over them, making the
site interesting as well as highly interactive. There's also a questions
tab, which means Steph is at hand for any queries.
Ely Folio is the online portfolio of Portuguese designer Elisa
Sophia. It features her work with clients such as Volkswagen, Delta and
Nike, which will serve as perfect inspiration for any budding designer.She has also dabbled in illustration and print design, which you can
check out via the left-hand tabs. Elisa also has a personal blog, where
she posts some very nice imagery and videos which are well worth
checking out. See it for yourself at
Sometimes the nitty-gritty of user experience can get a little
tedious. Take a look at UX Rave for inspiration, infographics and
interfaces, with handy tips and examples of success stories.The site is laid out in an easy-to-use manner, featuring subtitled
tabs for each area as well as research features that comment on the
ever-changing abilities in UX design. The CSS and JavaScript tutorials
are a particular highlight for any aspiring designer. If you're into UX,
it's definitely one of the best Tumblr blogs you can follow.
Gather is the Tumblr blog of Georg Petschnigg who is the CEO and co-founder of New York and Seattle based FiftyThree, a company that develops tools for mobile creation. Georg has an impressive history, with over 10 years of
entrepreneurial experience and an in-depth background in design and
technology. Prior to FiftyThree, he started a consumer electronic
business at Microsoft in partnership with Samsung, started the Pioneer
Studios a design venture fund, worked on historical sites in Germany
(Burg Pyrmont), and was part of the launch of HDTV at AT&T Bell
Laboratories. Phew!
Get inside tips and tricks from the publishing advertising industryClaire Curtis is a published advertising photographer and designer
for film, music & book advertising. She also works as a unit stills
photographer for British films, her passion for film and it’s cinematic
style evident in all her work. The blog is full of inside tips and
The craze for Instagram just went a little further with this Tumblr.
Designagram reposts every Instagram photograph with the tags #design,
#graphicdesign, #advertising and #typography in the hopes of giving a
more diverse view of what people perceive as design.It's a wonderful insight into the world of design, with many of the
photographs posted by non-designers. It may just open your eyes into a
new creative world.
If you're into landscape and cityscape photography then you should
definitely follow this gorgeous Tumblr The World We Live In. The site is
run by two women, Karishma and Julie, who clearly love everything the
Earth has to offer.Starting back in 2009, the blog now has a huge archive of inspiring
images taken from places like Flickr, Behance and National Geographic.
This site is perfect for finding inspiration from our natural
surroundings and also for anyone wondering where to holiday next!
"All my life I have always needed more," is the quote by Elizabeth
Wurtzel on Leslie Seuffert's blog It's Complicated. And when she finds
more, usually in the form of amazing photos, she shares them here. Also featuring a generous helping of artwork, this blog is perfect
for anyone looking for creative inspiration. Featuring everything from
gorgeous black and white portraits to brilliant cityscapes, there's
something here for everyone.
Photojojo, the store that sells gear for the modern photographer,
also run this cool Tumblr blog, which shows off cool photography related
projects. If you're tired of looking at generic photography sites then
Photojojo is definitely worth taking a look at. The team manage to find
some of the weirdest and most wonderful work from around the world, so
you're sure to find some ideas on how to really stretch your
After coming across this Tumblr recently, we couldn't not include it
in our list. Unhappy Hipsters is a blog that is full of inspiring
photographs of modern design and architecture. Only there's a twist.
Each image is accompanied by a brilliant, dead-pan caption, which gives
each image a entirely different feel.A brilliant idea from its founders, writer Molly Jane Quinn and
graphic designer Jenna Talbott. It's certainly a welcome addition to the
often serious world of architecture and design.
If you're an amateur photographer looking for inspiration and other
new talent then this is the Tumblr blog for you. The site is run
by 24-year-old Santiago-Chile based Sabino Aguad Castoldi and features a
wealth of stunning imagery.Regularly updated, this is the place to find fresh work by
up-and-coming photographers. Sabino also ensure to add credits to each
image so you can find out more detail about any of the artists who are
This is the photo journal of professional photographer Megan Kathleen
McIsaac, and showcases Megan's work and life as a photographer.There are no tiny, watermarked photos here, with all the pics
presented in a large enough format to appreciate the skill that's gone
into their creation. The minimalist theme really enables Megan's work to
jump off the screen. It's a great example of what can be achieved with
From Me To You is the Tumblr of NYC-based photographer Jamie Beck.
Jamie's a great photographer, and you'll find a selection of her work
here. You'll also find some really inspiring cinemagraphs on her site,
with good reason, because Jamie was the co-founder of the whole cinemagraph movement.
LeftyLens is the Tumblr blog of Rei Mooney,
a Hawaiian based photographer. Rei's Tumblr blog features a selection
of her work (more of which you can find on her official site), but also
offers a snapshot - via images, naturally - into the life of a
professional photographer.
The Mighty Pencil features some amazing illustration workThe Mighty Pencil collective is behind this great Tumblr blog, which
features a selection of the best contemporary illustrators and some of
the inspiring work they create.
Updated on a less frequent basis than Eat Sleep Draw, We Love
Illustration is another resource for inspirational work, and according
to the site's owner "is meant to serve as a source of inspiration and
motivation for art and illustration lovers". We think it achieves both.
Presented as an online art gallery, Eat Sleep Draw brings you huge
amounts of inspirational illustration and art each week. Updated on an
almost hourly basis, if the best Tumblr blogs were decided on frequency
of posting, it would be a clear winner. In fact, it's easy to find
yourself 30 pages into this Tumblr blog and suddenly wonder where the
last two hours went (and why you're behind on that article you should
have submitted over an hour ago).
When you're looking for that perfect illustration inspiration,
completing endless Google searches can really take it out of you. Well,
that's where Illozine comes in handy - a Tumblr blog dedicated to the
curation of awesome and inspiring illustrations.The blog is run by Philadelphia-based freelance illustrator Miguel Mansur. Miguel's work is gorgeous and it's great to see him share some of his illustration inspiration. You can easily contact Miguel for projects or to contribute your own illustrations for illozine.
There's a pretty big clue to this Tumblr blog's content in the title
of the site. You've guessed it, Old Book Illustrations brings you the
finest collection of 15th century walking sticks on the web. Ha! We're
kidding, of course. This site actually brings you fantastic illustrations from old and
ancient books, with references to the illustrators and where they first
appeared. The illustrations provide inspiring snapshots into the era
when they first appeared.
If you're looking for illustration-based inspiration then look no
further, as Leivos provides daily posts that showcase work from
illustrators around the world.Curated by designers Shyra and Veronika, this Tumblr blog is a
virtual pinboard for their favourite pieces, and is a great place to get
lost in some seriously cool work.
This is the surreal playground of Sean Godsey, and includes all
manner of weird and wonderful illustrations and animations. You won't
find any Pixar-quality CGI in attendance, but what you will find is a
serious dose of humour, mixed into some messed up illustrations - which
we love. And we hope you enjoy this, often slightly disturbing, glimpse
into Sean's mind, too. Definitely one of the more different Tumblr blogs
in our list.
Kirsty Modarelli has creating something truly special in The Aldas
Project: 366 Drawings For Good. The idea behind Aldas (pronounced
ull-dosh, and Hungarian for "blessing") is to create a new illustration
for every day of 2012 - a challenge in itself - but to also raise money
for a number of charities by selling off the artwork via an Etsy page.Money goes to one of three non-profit organizations: 826 National,
The Schoerke Foundation, and the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.
What can we say? If you're interested in 3D then you need to be
following this blog. On Tumblr 3D you'll find inspiration, tutorials,
news and a whole lot more. The design is simple, which is the best
choice for a site that showcases such gorgeous work. With an archive going back to April 2011, there's plenty to keep you inspired and entertained.
This is a really interesting look at how a student's final year
project is being developed in Maya. Relatively new to Tumblr, Hong Kong
student 'bun bun' is posting frequent updates via sketches and videos.It's definitely one to watch, and though only a few months old, we hope bun bun continues to post.
As with most good Tumblr blogs, the ones with real value come from
people who are passionate about a specific area of interest. Here, 3D
artist Draise provides a resource for the freeware 3D graphics and
animation package trueSpace.The blog features work, tutorials, and download files that will enable you to master this free 3D tool. Did we miss your favourite Tumblr blog? Let us know in the comments box below. Words: Sammy Maine
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